Christian Kerez

Mär 6, 2014



Přednáška Christiana Kereze pořádaná 6. března 2014 občanským sdružením Kruh v rámci cyklu přednášek Švýcarsko-česká inspirace, který je spolufinancován Programem švýcarsko-české spolupráce. Christian Kerez se narodil ve venezuelském městě Maracaibo v roce 1962. Nejprve rozsáhle publikoval v oboru fotografie architektury. V roce 1993 si v Curychu založil vlastní architektonickou kancelář. Od roku 2001hostoval na Swiss Federal Institute of Technology v Curychu, v roce 2003 se stal docentem a v roce 2009 profesorem. Na období 2012-2013 získal místo Kenzo Tange Chair na Harvardově univerzitě. Momentálně se účastní mnoha rozličných programů ve Francii, České republice, Brazílii a Číně. Christian Kerez Christian Kerez was born in 1962 in Maracaibo, Venezuela and educated at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. After extensive published work in the field of architectural photography, he opened his own architectural office in Zurich, Switzerland in 1993. Christian Kerez has been appointed as a visiting professor in design and architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich since 2001 and as assistant professor since 2003. In 2009 he was elected as ordinary professor for design and architecture. In 2012-13 he led the Kenzo Tange Chair at Harvard University, Cambridge. He is currently working on different programs in various scales in France, the Czech Republic, Brazil and China.




A civic association KRUH (Circle) was founded in 2001 by a group of architecture students at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. Focus of our activities lies in an ongoing cycle of lectures on architecture held by leading Czech and foreign architects and architecture critics. In addition to that, we have organized excursions to contemporary architectural realisations and film festivals. During ten years of our activity, we have provided almost 200 lectures (e.g. series of lectures 'Across Swiss Architecture' – in cooperation with a Swiss foundation Pro Helvetia and Swiss Embassy in Prague), three excursions abroad, two film festivals on architecture, an exhibition, and published four collective anthologies with texts on architecture. All our activities gained both a favourable public response (200 – 500 visitors per lecture, 2000 visitors at film festival) and a response of professional press (awarded Architekt magazine prize in 2003). So far we have lined up lectures by significant figures of contemporary architecture eg. Aaron Betsky, Eva Jiřičná, Jan Kaplický, Luigi Snozzi, Mario Botta, Dietmar Eberle, Francisco Mangado and as well many starting Czech architects. In all we do our goal is to create a continuous dialogue about contemporary issues among architects, architecture theorists and public. Our target group consists of architecture students, architects, construction engineers, humanities students and last but not least the general public. This year our programme is focused on lectures and presentation of recent projects, which came out from important architecture competitions in Czech Republic. The aim of the project is to show what is happening right now in architecture, what is new and progressive for architects, and how they deal with the idea of competition.

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