Embeddability in the 3-Sphere is Decidable

Jul 23, 2016



We show that the following algorithmic problem is decidable: given a 2-dimensional simplicial complex, can it be embedded in R3? By a known reduction, it suffices to decide the embeddability of a given triangulated 3-manifold X in the 3-sphere. The main step, which allows us to simplify X and recurse, is in proving that if X can be embedded, then there is also an embedding in which X has a short meridian, i.e., an essential curve in the boundary of X bounding a disk in S3∖X, whose length is bounded by a computable function of the number of tetrahedral of X. This is joint work with Matoušek, Tancer and Wagner.



Über The Mathematics of Jiří Matoušek

International Conference on The Mathematics of Jiří Matoušek, Charles University, Prague 2016

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