Dynamic CMR Training Challenges

5. Srpen 2016


O prezentaci

Presentation: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y4ylr2kfodunfhm/6_Julian_Sharp.pptx?dl=0 Challenges and Opportunities for Dynamics CRM training without MOC and accelerated releases. How Office 365 and Azure are driving CRM exams and training Julian is a Microsoft Dynamics CRM consultant. Since 2004 he has developed solutions for clients using Dynamics CRM and more recently with Office 365 and Azure. Julian has been an MCT since 2007 and covers all aspects of Dynamics CRM training from installation to development.



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We, the German MCT summit orga-team, are happy to invite you to another great event with a lot of information, knowledge transfer, networking with your peers and a lot of fun!

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