Delighting Details - Animated Vector Drawables

Sep 30, 2016



Vector Drawables are available since Lollipop and are now part of the Support Library. They bring a whole new range of possibilities when it comes to animation that can delight your users in many ways. In this talk we're gonna go through what we can do to animate our vector drawables, how to implement them and support them in a wide range of android versions. We're gonna take a look at how we can do animations with path data as well as trimPath, how to choreograph them to achieve your desired animation. Finally, I'm gonna show how we can play with Vectors on sketch without being a rockstar design so we can create the vectors we need to achieve our animations. I'm gonna show how we can get a SVG from google's material design website and easily change it in Sketch to achieve a very animations using the concepts presented at the beginning.



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