
Dez 1, 2016



Poslonaut/HireApp is a mobile app that helps people find part-time jobs more quickly, by matching their interests and geo-location to job offers currently on the market. Poslonaut/HireApp also helps small and medium businesses to post job offers in under a minute. Given the currently high price of job ads, many SME cannot afford to place ads and thus do not attract suitable candidates. Poslonaut/HireApp addresses the serious problem of youth unemployment by helping job markets become more transparent and efficient. Location is of great importance in part-time jobs for students and because these jobs do not require superior skills, using interests to offer better job options is what adds value for both job hunters and companies looking for part time employees. Job satisfaction is increased and commuting time is reduced, also impacting positively on the environment. Poslonaut/HireApp makes clever use of mobile technology in a market with high smartphone penetration, but with few solutions adapted to it. Hopefully, Poslonaut/HireApp will soon come to the global arena. http://www.poslonaut.rs http://eu-youthaward.org/



Über European Youth Award

The European Youth Award (EYA) is a pan-European contest to motivate young people to produce socially-valuable digital projects that address the goals defined by the Council of Europe and Europe 2020. It demonstrates their potential to create innovative solutions with Internet and Mobile technology. The EYA Festival is an established platform for international knowledge-exchange and a widely recognized networking-event for future cooperation. EYA is organized by the International Center for New Media, a Non-Profit Organization based in Salzburg, Austria.

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