The Machine to Be Another

1. Prosinec 2016


O prezentaci

The Machine to Be Another (MTBA) is a low-budget open-source tool allowing people to see and feel themselves in the body and personal story of someone very different from themselves. Based on cognitive science, virtual reality and performance, the system offers a multisensory experience allowing participants to literally swap bodies, perspectives and personal thoughts. Designed to promote immersive perspective-taking and empathic concern, the MTBA aims to be a tool for public use, available in libraries and community centres. The perceptual illusion of having another body through Virtual Reality, for instance, by offering participants with white complexions the experience of embodying an avatar with dark skin, leads to a significant reduction of implicit racial bias in cases researched. MTBA offers immersive perspective-taking experiences as an invaluable social tool with the potential to overcome negative intergroup bias and to promote meaningful encounters between locals and new-arrivals. Living together in diversity may finally become a matter of literally putting on a different perspective.



O organizátorovi (European Youth Award)

The European Youth Award (EYA) is a pan-European contest to motivate young people to produce socially-valuable digital projects that address the goals defined by the Council of Europe and Europe 2020. It demonstrates their potential to create innovative solutions with Internet and Mobile technology. The EYA Festival is an established platform for international knowledge-exchange and a widely recognized networking-event for future cooperation. EYA is organized by the International Center for New Media, a Non-Profit Organization based in Salzburg, Austria.

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