Provisioning Heterogeneous Bare Metal with Stacki

27. Duben 2017


O prezentaci

Stacki was used to upgrade a high-performance computing (HPC) cluster at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland. NIST is the United States’ federal metrology institute, performing research and creating standards for measurements and technology, including materials, data, and cyber-security. A 1,200 node CentOS5 Maui/Torque cluster was upgraded to CentOS7 with a Slurm queuing system. At the same time, hundreds of servers were removed and added to this cluster. This presentation will show the application of Stacki to this HPC cluster and contrast previous methods used for provisioning. Stacki carts and pallets are used to provision role-based servers, including GPU, high-memory, and multiple login servers. Ideas are proposed to allow us to extend this application to managing multiple clusters. Any mention of commercial products within this presentation, including Stacki, is for information purposes; it does not imply recommendation or endorsement by NIST.



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