Functional Programming with Effects

21. Červen 2018


O prezentaci

The foundation of functional programming is values, pure functions, and function composition; but this lean model of computation seems to abandon real-world concerns such as partiality, exceptions, logging, mutable state, and so on. This talk introduces FP from first principles and demonstrates how we recover the expressiveness of imperative programming without sacrificing the benefits of equational reasoning, via effects. I have been programming for more than 35 years and nothing has improved the quality and maintainability of my code more than adopting typed FP. I think all programmers can benefit from learning the basics, and I am dedicated to helping interested people learn.



O organizátorovi (Scala Days)

Scala Days brings together developers from all corners of the world to share their experiences and new ideas around creating applications with Scala and related technologies, like Spark, Kafka, and Akka. Scala Days provides a unique opportunity for Scala users to interact with the contributors to the language and related technologies and connect with fellow developers.

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