Bridging the ÐApp: contracts talking across chains

Nov 2, 2018



A year ago Parity Tech published an initial PoC of Parity Bridge, a federated system that can connect any two EVM-based networks. In this talk, we'll give an overview on the progress we've made and present our new release. Today many Ethereum dapp teams have 'working' products but neither can they launch their product due to mainnet's limitations (congestion/high tx-fees) nor can they improve their products since today’s non-value-bearing testnets don't cater to realistic testing environments. At the same time, strongly sought-after scaling solutions (such as Shasper) are either far out or not applicable to current generation dapps. Some of the points that will be covered in this talk are: - Arbitrary message passing Bridge - interfaces, extensions, deployment and usage - How can bridged sidechains mitigate current scaling issues of the Ethereum mainnet? - How can they extend capabilities and be used to test potential, future mainnet functionality? - What are important security considerations? (i.e. trust model, integration with different consensus engines & validator sets) - Which tooling is needed and what's available today?



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