
11. Červen 2019


O prezentaci

Validating Causal Inference Models via Influence Functions The problem of estimating causal effects of treatments from observational data falls beyond the realm of supervised learning — because counterfactual data is inaccessible, we can never observe the true causal effects. In the absence of "supervision", how can we evaluate the performance of causal inference methods? In this paper, we use influence functions — the functional derivatives of a loss function — to develop a model validation procedure that estimates the estimation error of causal inference methods. Our procedure utilizes a Taylor-like expansion to approximate the loss function of a method on a given dataset in terms of the influence functions of its loss on a "synthesized", proximal dataset with known causal effects. Under minimal regularity assumptions, we show that our procedure is consistent and efficient. Experiments on 77 benchmark datasets show that using our procedure, we can accurately predict the comparative performances of state-of-the-art causal inference methods applied to a given observational study. Ithemal: Accurate, Portable and Fast Basic Block Throughput Estimation using Deep Neural Networks Predicting the number of processor clock cycles it takes to execute a block of assembly instructions in steady state (the throughput) is important for both compiler designers and performance engineers. Building an analytical model to do so is especially complicated in modern x86-64 Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) machines with sophisticated processor microarchitectures in that it is tedious, error prone, and must be performed from scratch for each processor generation. In this paper, we present Ithemal, the first tool which learns to predict the throughput of a set of instructions. Ithemal uses a hierarchical LSTM--based approach to predict throughput based on the opcodes and operands of instructions in a basic block. We show that Ithemal is more accurate than state-of-the-art hand-written tools currently used in compiler backends and static machine code analyzers. In particular, our model has less than half the error of state-of-the-art analytic models (LLVM's llvm-mca and Intel's IACA). Ithemal is also able to predict these throughput values at a faster rate than the aforementioned tools, and is easily ported across a variety process microarchitectures with minimal developer effort. Learning to Groove with Inverse Sequence Transformations We explore models for translating abstract musical ideas (scores, rhythms) into expressive performances using seq2seq and recurrent variational information bottleneck (VIB) models. Though seq2seq models usually require painstakingly aligned corpora, we show that it is possible to adapt an approach from the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) literature (e.g. Pix2Pix, Vid2Vid) to sequences, creating large volumes of paired data by performing simple transformations and training generative models to plausibly invert these transformations. Music, and drumming in particular, provides a strong test case for this approach because many common transformations (quantization, removing voices) have clear semantics, and learning to invert them has real-world applications. Focusing on the case of drum set players, we create and release a new dataset for this purpose, containing over 13 hours of recordings by professional drummers aligned with fine-grained timing and dynamics information. We also explore some of the creative potential of these models, demonstrating improvements on state-of-the-art methods for Humanization (instantiating a performance from a musical score). Grid-Wise Control for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Video Game AI We consider the problem of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) in video game AI, where the agents are located in a spatial grid-world environment and the number of agents varies both within and across episodes. The challenge is to flexibly control arbitrary number of agents while achieving effective collaboration. Existing MARL methods usually suffer from the trade-off between these two considerations. To address the issue, we propose a novel architecture that learns a spatial joint representation of all the agents and outputs grid-wise actions. Each agent will be controlled independently by taking the action from the grid it occupies. By viewing the state information as a grid feature map, we employ a convolutional encoder-decoder as the policy network. This architecture naturally promotes agent communication because of the large receptive field provided by the stacked convolutional layers. Moreover, the spatially shared convolutional parameters enable fast parallel exploration that the experiences discovered by one agent can be immediately transferred to others. The proposed method can be conveniently integrated with general reinforcement learning algorithms, e.g., PPO and Q-learning. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in extensive challenging multi-agent tasks in the complex game StarCraft II. HOList: An Environment for Machine Learning of Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving We present an environment, benchmark, and deep learning driven automated theorem prover for higher-order logic. Higher-order interactive theorem provers enable the formalization of arbitrary mathematical theories and thereby present an interesting challenge for deep learning. We provide an open-source framework based on the HOL Light theorem prover that can be used as a reinforcement learning environment. HOL Light comes with a broad coverage of basic mathematical theorems on calculus and the formal proof of the Kepler conjecture, from which we derive a challenging benchmark for automated reasoning approaches. We also present a deep reinforcement learning driven automated theorem prover, DeepHOL, that gives strong initial results on this benchmark. Molecular Hypergraph Grammar with Its Application to Molecular Optimization Molecular optimization aims to discover novel molecules with desirable properties. Two fundamental challenges are: (i) it is not trivial to generate valid molecules in a controllable way due to hard chemical constraints such as the valency conditions, and (ii) it is often costly to evaluate a property of a novel molecule, and therefore, the number of property evaluations is limited. These challenges are to some extent alleviated by a combination of a variational autoencoder (VAE) and Bayesian optimization (BO). VAE converts a molecule into/from its latent continuous vector, and BO optimizes a latent continuous vector (and its corresponding molecule) within a limited number of property evaluations. While the most recent work, for the first time, achieved 100% validity, its architecture is rather complex due to auxiliary neural networks other than VAE, making it difficult to train. This paper presents a molecular hypergraph grammar variational autoencoder (MHG-VAE), which uses a single VAE to achieve 100% validity. Our idea is to develop a graph grammar encoding the hard chemical constraints, called molecular hypergraph grammar (MHG), which guides VAE to always generate valid molecules. We also present an algorithm to construct MHG from a set of molecules. Graph Neural Network for Music Score Data and Modeling Expressive Piano Performance Music score is often handled as one-dimensional sequential data. Unlike words in a text document, notes in music score can be played simultaneously by the polyphonic nature and each of them has its own duration. In this paper, we represent the unique form of musical score using graph neural network and apply it for rendering expressive piano performance from the music score. Specifically, we design the model using note-level gated graph neural network and measure-level hierarchical attention network with bidirectional long short-term memory with an iterative feedback method. In addition, to model different styles of performance for a given input score, we employ a variational auto-encoder. The result of the listening test shows that our proposed model generated more human-like performances compared to a baseline model and a hierarchical attention network model that handles music score as a word-like sequence. Learning to Prove Theorems via Interacting with Proof Assistants Humans prove theorems by relying on substantial high-level reasoning and problem-specific insights. Proof assistants offer a formalism that resembles human mathematical reasoning, representing theorems in higher-order logic and proofs as high-level tactics. However, human experts have to construct proofs manually by entering tactics into the proof assistant. In this paper, we study the problem of using machine learning to automate the interaction with proof assistants. We construct CoqGym, a large-scale dataset and learning environment containing 71K human-written proofs from 123 projects developed with the Coq proof assistant. We develop ASTactic, a deep learning-based model that generates tactics as programs in the form of abstract syntax trees (ASTs). Experiments show that ASTactic trained on CoqGym can generate effective tactics and can be used to prove new theorems not previously provable by automated methods. Code is available at Circuit-GNN: Graph Neural Networks for Distributed Circuit Design We present Circuit-GNN, a graph neural network (GNN) model for designing distributed circuits. Today, designing distributed circuits is a slow process that can take months from an expert engineer. Our model both automates and speeds up the process. The model learns to simulate the electromagnetic (EM) properties of distributed circuits. Hence, it can be used to replace traditional EM simulators, which typically take tens of minutes for each design iteration. Further, by leveraging neural networks' differentiability, we can use our model to solve the inverse problem -- i.e., given desirable EM specifications, we propagate the gradient to optimize the circuit parameters and topology to satisfy the specifications. We exploit the flexibility of GNN to create one model that works for different circuit topologies. We compare our model with a commercial simulator showing that it reduces simulation time by four orders of magnitude. We also demonstrate the value of our model by using it to design a Terahertz channelizer, a difficult task that requires a specialized expert. The results show that our model produces a channelizer whose performance is as good as a manually optimized design, and can save the expert several weeks of iterative topology exploration and parameter optimization. Most interestingly, our model comes up with new designs that differ from the limited templates commonly used by engineers in the field, hence significantly expanding the design space. We exploit the flexibility of GNN to enable our model applicable to circuits with different number of sub-components. This allows our neural network to support a much larger design space in comparison to previous deep learning circuit design methods. Applying gradient descent on graph structures is non-trivial; we develop a novel multi-loop gradient descent algorithm with local reparameterization to solve this challenge. We compare our model with a commercial simulator showing that it reduces simulation time by five orders of magnitude. We also demonstrate the value of our model by using it to design a Terahertz channelizer, a difficult task that requires a specialized expert. The results show that our model produces a channelizer whose performance is as good as a manually optimized design, and can save the expert several weeks of iterative topology exploration and parameter optimization.



O organizátorovi (ICML 2019)

The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) is the premier gathering of professionals dedicated to the advancement of the branch of artificial intelligence known as machine learning. ICML is globally renowned for presenting and publishing cutting-edge research on all aspects of machine learning used in closely related areas like artificial intelligence, statistics and data science, as well as important application areas such as machine vision, computational biology, speech recognition, and robotics. ICML is one of the fastest growing artificial intelligence conferences in the world. Participants at ICML span a wide range of backgrounds, from academic and industrial researchers, to entrepreneurs and engineers, to graduate students and postdocs.

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