Online Learning 1

Jun 13, 2019



Matrix-Free Preconditioning in Online Learning We provide an online convex optimization algorithm with regret that interpolates between the regret of an algorithm using an optimal preconditioning matrix and one using a diagonal preconditioning matrix. Our regret bound is never worse than that obtained by diagonal preconditioning, and in certain setting even surpasses that of algorithms with full-matrix preconditioning. Importantly, our algorithm runs in the same time and space complexity as online gradient descent. Along the way we incorporate new techniques that mildly streamline and improve logarithmic factors in prior regret analyses. We conclude by benchmarking our algorithm on synthetic data and deep learning tasks. Online Convex Optimization in Adversarial Markov Decision Processes We consider online learning in episodic loop-free Markov decision processes (MDPs), where the loss function can change arbitrarily between episodes, and the transition function is not known to the learner. We show ~O(L|X|√|A|T) regret bound, where T is the number of episodes, X is the state space, A is the action space, and L is the length of each episode. Our online algorithm is implemented using entropic regularization methodology, which allows to extend the original adversarial MDP model to handle convex performance criteria (A performance criterion aggregates all the losses of a single episode to a single objective we would like to minimize), as well as improve previous regret bounds. Competing Against Nash Equilibria in Adversarially Changing Zero-Sum Games We study the problem of repeated play in a zero-sum game in which the payoff matrix may change, in a possibly adversarial fashion, on each round; we call these Online Matrix Games. Finding the Nash Equilibrium (NE) of a two player zero-sum game is core to many problems in statistics, optimization, and economics, and for a fixed game matrix this can be easily reduced to solving a linear program. But when the payoff matrix evolves over time our goal is to find a sequential algorithm that can compete with, in a certain sense, the NE of the long-term-averaged payoff matrix. We design an algorithm with small NE regret--that is, we ensure that the long-term payoff of both players is close to minimax optimum in hindsight. Our algorithm achieves near-optimal dependence with respect to the number of rounds and depends poly-logarithmically on the number of available actions of the players. Additionally, we show that the naive reduction, where each player simply minimizes its own regret, fails to achieve the stated objective regardless of which algorithm is used. Lastly, we consider the so-called bandit setting, where the feedback is significantly limited, and we provide an algorithm with small NE regret using one-point estimates of each payoff matrix. Online Learning with Sleeping Experts and Feedback Graphs We consider the scenario of online learning with sleeping experts, where not all experts are available at each round, and analyze the general framework of learning with stochastic feedback graphs, where loss observations associated with each expert are characterized by a graph. A critical assumption in this framework is that the loss observations and the set of sleeping experts at each round are independent. We first extend the classical sleeping expert algorithm of Kleinberg et al 2008 to the feedback graphs scenario, and prove matching upper and lower bounds for the sleeping regret of the resulting algorithm under the independence assumption. Our main contribution is then to relax this assumption, present a finer notion of sleeping regret, and derive a general algorithm with strong theoretical guarantees. We instantiate our framework to the important scenario of online learning with abstention, where a learner can elect to abstain from making a prediction at the price of a certain cost. We empirically validate our algorithm against multiple online abstention algorithms on several real-world datasets, showing substantial performance improvements. Incremental Randomized Sketching for Online Kernel Learning Randomized sketching has been used in offline kernel learning, but it cannot be applied directly to online kernel learning due to the lack of incremental maintenances for randomized sketches with regret guarantees. To address these issues, we propose a novel incremental randomized sketching approach for online kernel learning, which has efficient incremental maintenances with theoretical guarantees. We construct two incremental randomized sketches using the sparse transform matrix and the sampling matrix for kernel matrix approximation, update the incremental randomized sketches using rank-1 modifications, and construct an time-varying explicit feature mapping for online kernel learning. We prove that the proposed incremental randomized sketching is statistically unbiased for the matrix product approximation, obtains a 1+ϵ relative-error bound for the kernel matrix approximation, enjoys a sublinear regret bound for online kernel learning, and has constant time and space complexities at each round for incremental maintenances. Experimental results demonstrate that the incremental randomized sketching achieves a better learning performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency even in adversarial environments. Adaptive Scale-Invariant Online Algorithms for Learning Linear Models We consider online learning with linear models, where the algorithm predicts on sequentially revealed instances (feature vectors), and is compared against the best linear function (comparator) in hindsight. Popular algorithms in this framework, such as Online Gradient Descent (OGD), have parameters (learning rates), which ideally should be tuned based on the scales of the features and the optimal comparator, but these quantities only become available at the end of the learning process. In this paper, we resolve the tuning problem by proposing online algorithms making predictions which are invariant under arbitrary rescaling of the features. The algorithms have no parameters to tune, do not require any prior knowledge on the scale of the instances or the comparator, and achieve regret bounds matching (up to a logarithmic factor) that of OGD with optimally tuned separate learning rates per dimension, while retaining comparable runtime performance. Online Control with Adversarial Disturbances We study the control of a linear dynamical system with adversarial disturbances (as opposed to statistical noise). The objective we consider is one of regret: we desire an online control procedure that can do nearly as well as that of a procedure that has full knowledge of the disturbances in hindsight. Our main result is an efficient algorithm that provides nearly tight regret bounds for this problem. From a technical standpoint, this work generalizes upon previous work in that our model allows for adversarial noise in the dynamics and allows for general convex costs. Adversarial Online Learning with noise We present and study models of adversarial online learning where the feedback observed by the learner is noisy, and the feedback is either full information feedback or bandit feedback. Specifically, we consider binary losses xored with the noise, which is a Bernoulli random variable. We consider both a constant noise rate and a variable noise rate. Our main results are tight regret bounds for learning with noise in the adversarial online learning model. Online Variance Reduction with Mixtures Adaptive importance sampling for stochastic optimization is a promising approach that offers improved convergence through variance reduction. In this work, we propose a new framework for variance reduction that enables the use of mixtures over predefined sampling distributions, which can naturally encode prior knowledge about the data. While these sampling distributions are fixed, the mixture weights are adapted during the optimization process. We propose VRM, a novel and efficient adaptive scheme that asymptotically recovers the best mixture weights in hindsight and can also accommodate sampling distributions over sets of points. We empirically demonstrate the versatility of VRM in a range of applications. Bandit Multiclass Linear Classification: Efficient Algorithms for the Separable Case We study the problem of efficient online multiclass linear classification with bandit feedback, where all examples belong to one of K classes and lie in the d - dimensional Euclidean space. Previous works have left open the challenge of designing efficient algorithms with finite mistake bounds when the data is linearly separable by a margin γ. In this work, we take a first step towards this problem. We consider two notions of linear separability, \emph{strong} and \emph{weak}.Under the strong linear separability condition, we design an efficient algorithm that achieves a near-optimal mistake bound of O(Kγ2). Under the more challenging weak linear separability condition, we design an efficient algorithm with a mistake bound of 2˜O(min(Klog21γ,√1γlogK))\footnote{We use the notation ˜O(f(⋅))=O(f(⋅)\polylog(f(⋅))).}. Our algorithm is based on kernel Perceptron, which is inspired by the work of \citet{Klivans-Servedio-2008} on improperly learning intersection of halfspaces.



Über ICML 2019

The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) is the premier gathering of professionals dedicated to the advancement of the branch of artificial intelligence known as machine learning. ICML is globally renowned for presenting and publishing cutting-edge research on all aspects of machine learning used in closely related areas like artificial intelligence, statistics and data science, as well as important application areas such as machine vision, computational biology, speech recognition, and robotics. ICML is one of the fastest growing artificial intelligence conferences in the world. Participants at ICML span a wide range of backgrounds, from academic and industrial researchers, to entrepreneurs and engineers, to graduate students and postdocs.

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