Will Design Ethics Save Software?

9. Říjen 2019


O prezentaci

Will design ethics save software? As the broader tech community becomes increasingly uncomfortable with the structures and clients it serves, a growing movement seeks to integrate ethics into design practice. But this prioritises individual decisions and values over critical analysis of socio-political and economic outcomes. The pop discourse that calls for ethics indemnifies designers and obfuscates the inherent problems of their work, resulting in the celebration of projects that at their core problematic, such as digital wellness, decentralised systems, autonomous cars and inclusive facial recognition. Building on the essay “On Weaponised Design,” and an ongoing multi-year research and practice project with Tactical Tech and others, Design Ethics? No Thanks explores how design has enabled a decade of absurdity and examine how design ethics threatens to neutralise both the critique of outcomes and the potential contribution of design to a radically reimagined world.



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