Approximating functions with GroupSort networks

Apr 14, 2021



Recent advances in adversarial attacks and Wasserstein GANs have advocated for use of neural networks with restricted Lipschitz constants. Motivated by these observations, we study the recently introduced GroupSort neural networks, with constraints on the weights, and make a theoretical step towards a better understanding of their expressive power. We show in particular how these networks can represent any Lipschitz continuous piecewise linear functions. We also prove that they are well-suited for approximating Lipschitz continuous functions and exhibit upper bounds on both the depth and size. To conclude, the efficiency of GroupSort networks compared with more standard ReLU networks is illustrated in a set of synthetic experiments.


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The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics was held virtually from Tuesday, 13 April 2021 to Thursday, 15 April 2021.

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