How M's Android Backup can break your app

29. Červen 2015


O prezentaci

Together with the Android M, Google has released Android backup during the last I/O. However, Android apps' data backup is not a new concept - we had third party solutions there for years. What can we learn from them? What should be your strategy for backuping data? Is your app ready to handle database migrations properly, and handle old, no-longer-supported SharedPreferences' keys? Attend my talk to: - Learn what possibilities newest Android Backup feature gives you - Listen how to make your application handle data from the older versions - Simply see me trying speaking Czech



O organizátorovi (mDevCamp)

mDevCamp is the largest conference for mobile enthusiasts in Central Europe. The 7th edition featured world-class speakers, in-depth talks, workshops and great hands-on zones. With nearly 800 attendees it became truly top notch conference.

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