ATA Advanced Thread Analytics, ATP Windows Defender Treat Protection

5. Srpen 2016


O prezentaci

Presentation: Its the most profound Windows to date also claimed to be the last Windows we will ever see. Can it live up to the claim? This session is an account of hours of struggles, sweat and a few tears working on Windows 10 proof of concept deployments and implementations for clients wanting the impossible around the world. Names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent. Come and learn what worked, what didn’t work, what you need and how I cheated…I mean fixed the problems in the end. Mirko is a Principal Consultant and works for baseVISION AG in Switzerland, the Company is focused in System Center Configuration Manager and Enterprise Mobility. Mirko is the founder, leader and speaker of the UG „Configuration Manager Community Event“ in Switzerland ( He is also on MS Events like TechEd and MS Ignite as a MCT-Ambassador involved.



O organizátorovi (MCT SUMMIT)

We, the German MCT summit orga-team, are happy to invite you to another great event with a lot of information, knowledge transfer, networking with your peers and a lot of fun!

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