Nadnárodní projekt opětovného využití odpadů CERREC

2. Říjen 2014


O prezentaci

CERREC – “Central Europe Repair & Re-use Centres and Networks” – is an EU funded program implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme and co-financed by the ERDF that started in April 2011 and will last for 3,5 years. During this time the consortium of 9 partners from 7 different Central Europe countries carried out evaluation, quality management and dissemination activities in the field of re-use and repair of waste products as a new form of waste treatment both on national and on transnational level. Lead partner of the Project is the Municipal Waste Management Association Mid-Tyrol (ATM) in Austria. The Project CERREC will meet requirements of the new Waste Framework Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC on waste) and foster preparation for reuse as a new form of waste treatment. The challenge of the project is to turn the reuse-sector to a core segment of waste management and to bring it on a broader mainstream to meet the goals of European environmental policies and regulations. CERREC aims at providing tools, developing strategies and promoting ambitious implementation of re-use requirements of the Waste Framework Directive.


O organizátorovi (CEMC)

CEMC a FŽP ČZU v Praze pod patronací Odpadového fóra zvou na 1. ročník národní konference PŘEDCHÁZENÍ VZNIKU ODPADŮ, která se bude konat 2. 10. 2014 v aule České zemědělské univerzity v Praze-Suchdole.

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