Isa Stürm: All the various kisses of architecture (Los Super Elegantes II)

May 5, 2016



Isa Stürm: Všechny možné polibky architektury (Los Super Elegantes II) Stürm & Wolf tvoří budovy a prostory pro úchvatná města na nádherné planetě! Jejich konstrukce z kamene, oceli, skla a dřeva jsou svůdné v celku i detailu a elegantně, inovativně a hravě se střetávají s každodenní realitou. Stürm & Wolf kladou důraz na sochařskou a lyrickou povahu stavitelství a přinášejí tak na stavbu mnohovrstevnatost různých světů. Jejich architektura miluje umění. V jejich projektech, stimulujících myšlenky a nápady pro budoucnost, jsou lidské smysly středem pozornosti. Isa Stürm ve své přednášce představí nedávno dokončené projekty a dále některá vybraná klíčová díla minulosti. Isa Stürm se narodila v Paříži, žije v Curychu a také tu vystudovala architekturu na švýcarské státní polytechnice. Pracovala zde pro Adolfa Maxe Vogta, vedoucího katedry Teorie a dějin architektury. Předtím než v roce 1988 začala tvořit s Ursem Wolfem, spolupracovala se Santiagem Calatravou, Jaquesem Herzogem a Pierrem de Meuronem. Ateliér se zaměřuje na obytné projekty, muzea, kulturní instituce, průmyslové budovy, kanceláře, ale i urbanistické a krajinotvorné návrhy. Důležitým prostředkem jeho práce je výzkum, experiment a spolupráce s odborníky z různých oblastí. Mezi rané projekty ateliéru patří depo v Plarenze v kantonu Graubünden a dále kancelářská budova SVA a bytový celek Röntgenareal, oboje v Curychu. Pro švýcarskou prezentaci na světové výstavě Expo.02 architekti navrhli pavilon „Kdo jsem?“. Mimo to navrhli a realizovali výstavy, show a performance pro Cenu švýcarského designu a pro Cenu švýcarského umění (Swiss Design Awards, Swiss Art Awards) a pro Akris, dále interiéry pro módní návrháře Issey Miyakeho, Yohji Yamamota, Alberta Kriemlera a pro světové módní značky v Curychu a New Yorku. V posledních letech pracovali na třech větších projektech: na muzeu automobilismu v Appenzellu, kulturním centru v Gstaadu a na družstevním bydlení Waidmatt v Curychu. Postavili muzeum umění Kunst (Zeug) Haus pro město Rapperswil - Jona a kulturní centrum Lokremise v St. Gallen. Nedávno byl rovněž slavnostně otevřen luxusní obchodní dům Weinberg v centru Curychu a obytný projekt Neugasse v uměleckém srdci města. Teoretický diskurs je další z hlavních oblastí zájmu Isy Stürm. Pravidelně zasedá v porotách, působí jako hostující kritik, píše a přednáší na univerzitách a v institutech po celém světě. Mimo to je členkou rad různých kulturních a uměleckých institucí. Byla konzultantkou architektury Federální komise pro umění a v současnosti je členkou poroty švýcarského architektonického bienále. Učila jako hostující profesor na švýcarské státní polytechnice v Lausanne. Spolu se svými studenty navrhla moderní projekt pro Benátky – myšlenkové přetvoření prostoru vedoucí k oživení tohoto evropského města. Isa Stürm: All the various kisses of architecture (Los Super Elegantes II) Stürm & Wolf invent buildings and spaces for magnificent cities on a gorgeous planet! Their architecture built in stone, steel, glass and wood seduce from detail to space. Elegant in manners and triggering creative use their projects encounter playfully with everyday life. Emphasizing the sculptural and lyric character of architecture Stürm & Wolf bring manifold realities into site. Their architecture loves the arts. Human senses are central in their habitats stimulating thoughts and ideas for tomorrow. In this lecture Isa Stürm presents recently finished projects as well as some selected key-architectures. Isa Stürm was born in Paris and lives in Zürich. She completed her studies of architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich, where she worked for Adolf Max Vogt, chair of Architectural Theory and History. Before establishing her own architectural practice with Urs Wolf in 1988, she was collaborating with Santiago Calatrava, Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron. The firm’s working practice includes projects for housing, museums, cultural institutions, industry, offices, urban planning as well as landscaping projects. Research, experiment and collaboration with practitioners in other fields are important means of their professional discourse. The early projects include the Plarenga depot in the Grisons and the SVA office building and the Röntgenareal housing estate, both in Zürich. For the national exhibition Expo.02, the architects developed the pavilion 'Who am I?' for the Swiss Federation. They have also designed and executed exhibitions, shows and performance projects for Swiss Design Awards, Swiss Art Awards and Akris as well as interiors for the fashion designers Issey Miyake, Yohji Yamamoto, Albert Kriemler and global fashion labels in Zürich and New York. In recent years they have worked on three significant projects: the automobile museum in Appenzell, the cultural centre in Gstaad and the housing cooperative Waidmatt in Zürich. They built the art museum Kunst(Zeug)Haus in Rapperswil-Jona and the cultural centre Lokremise in St.Gall. Recently the high-end fashion department store Weinberg in the heart of Zürich as well as the combined office and residential townhouse Neugasse in the creative downtown epicenter were inaugurated. Theoretical discourse is another of Isa Stürm’s main interests. She regularly sits on juries, acts as a visiting critic, writes texts and gives talks and lectures at worldwide schools and institutions. She also sits on the board of cultural and art institutions. She acted as an architectural consultant for the Federal Commission of Fine Arts and currently is a member of the Architecture Biennials Jury of Switzerland. She was teaching as visiting professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne. With the students she proposed contemporary habitats for Venice the reanimation of European city in mind.



About KRUH

A civic association KRUH (Circle) was founded in 2001 by a group of architecture students at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. Focus of our activities lies in an ongoing cycle of lectures on architecture held by leading Czech and foreign architects and architecture critics. In addition to that, we have organized excursions to contemporary architectural realisations and film festivals. During ten years of our activity, we have provided almost 200 lectures (e.g. series of lectures 'Across Swiss Architecture' – in cooperation with a Swiss foundation Pro Helvetia and Swiss Embassy in Prague), three excursions abroad, two film festivals on architecture, an exhibition, and published four collective anthologies with texts on architecture. All our activities gained both a favourable public response (200 – 500 visitors per lecture, 2000 visitors at film festival) and a response of professional press (awarded Architekt magazine prize in 2003). So far we have lined up lectures by significant figures of contemporary architecture eg. Aaron Betsky, Eva Jiřičná, Jan Kaplický, Luigi Snozzi, Mario Botta, Dietmar Eberle, Francisco Mangado and as well many starting Czech architects. In all we do our goal is to create a continuous dialogue about contemporary issues among architects, architecture theorists and public. Our target group consists of architecture students, architects, construction engineers, humanities students and last but not least the general public. This year our programme is focused on lectures and presentation of recent projects, which came out from important architecture competitions in Czech Republic. The aim of the project is to show what is happening right now in architecture, what is new and progressive for architects, and how they deal with the idea of competition.

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