Send Email They Can’t Ignore: Crafting a Truly Valuable Inbox Experience

14. Červenec 2016


O prezentaci

As marketers, we live in a world of data, spreadsheets, and measuring our success in facts and figures. So much so, in fact, that it’s easy to for us to lose sight of the real, live people we’re trying to reach. However, the savviest marketers know that harnessing the power of email to create personalized, lasting brand impressions not only feels better – it also yields some seriously impressive results. Email isn’t magic, but it can do some truly magical things and help you give subscribers the relevant, engaging experiences they deserve (and have come to expect). Join Christopher Lester, VP of Sales at Emma, as he helps you get personal with smart segmentation, deliver immediate value with custom content, and craft experiences that everyone – from your CMO to your newest subscriber – can’t ignore.



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