The Nature of Nurture: Organizational Genetics

26. Červenec 2016


O prezentaci

Ask any CEO to describe their company and they’ll outline a fluid, dynamic, organization that prides itself on stability, creativity, and communicative excellence. They’re likely leaders in their industry, supported by a culture that’s motivated, optimistic, solution-focused, and completely in touch with their customer base. It doesn’t matter if they produce ball bearings, heart valves or credit cards; the response is similar. Yet, over the last 3 years there’s been a steady and dramatic decline in American Customer Satisfaction Index scores. In this brief session, we’ll delve into the organizational genetics of this perception to understand what creativity, innovation, quality, and customer advocacy, has really come to look like in these companies, and how this understanding can help you better position your services to help companies effectively regain what they likely don’t realize they’ve lost. As a result of attending this session you will be able to: Identify the four key business value propositions that exist differently across all organizations and understand what drives them. Strategically position design; offering intelligent opportunities for innovation and growth within any organizational construct. Embrace a robust and effective business framework that offers rich insight at personal, group, and enterprise levels.



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