SQL Server Made Easy

4. Srpen 2016


O prezentaci

Presentation: https://www.dropbox.com/s/roivf7wr1zfqm30/2_Lind.pptx?dl=0 It’s about SQL Server, indexing, and delivering hard topics dynamically. Mattias Lind is a Data Platform MVP(SQL Server) from Sweden. He spend his days as a mentor, trainer, consultant and architect on and around SQL Server. He’s been an IT professional for over twenty years, in early days he was working networking and security, and during mid 90s he moved over to SQL Server. Around the new millennia he became a Microsoft Certified Trainer with a focus on SQL Server. In October 2011 he became a Microsoft MVP on SQL Server Architecture, an award he kept since then. Besides working with SQL Server he is also strongly involved into the Microsoft Certified Trainer community and co-founded the International Association of MCTs in 2009, Mattias is currently the IAMCT World Leader. He has been speaking at events hosted by Microsoft, PASS, and other various usergroups.



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