Boeing: An All-you-can-eat UX Buffet

2. Březen 2017


O prezentaci

An entire career is not nearly enough to scratch the ‘usability surface’ of the complicated manufactured aerospace products in the world. For nearly ten years, Rachelle has been focused on passenger experience in aerospace interiors from product development and marketing perspectives. She will share research and design philosophies behind the 787 cabin and the Starliner CST-100 spacecraft concept interior, as well as methodologies and findings related to passenger needs of the future. To give the audience a flavor for the exciting and diverse user experience challenges and opportunities outside of the passenger cabin, she’ll share a variety of anectdotes related to the 787 flight deck design, Boeing web applications and software, factory floor, process and safety interventions.



O organizátorovi (ConveyUX)

ConveyUX is a series of events, produced by Blink UX, of interest to user experience professionals.

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