Using Mobile and Social for Knowledge Transfer

20. Duben 2017


O prezentaci

Greg recently sponsored and launched two social knowledge transfer platforms company-wide resulting in 300 percent improvement in support productivity and a significant improvement in employee engagement. Learn about some exciting new options for social and mobile knowledge transfer and how to identify whether a similar approach will work in your organization. Greg will share some of the latest successful knowledge transfer options and the story behind their success. You will learn best practices for taking a strategic approach to digital knowledge transfer and gain tips on assessing current knowledge transfer efforts. You will also walk away with key questions to ask to determine if what’s worked elsewhere will work for your business, and how you can ensure engagement with any new programs under consideration for rollout. Learning Outcomes: • Hear about innovative new knowledge transfer options and what makes them successful • Learn how to take a strategic approach to knowledge transfer • Gain a process for assessing current knowledge transfer processes to identify new opportunities for innovation and improvement • Learn how to ensure that a potential process is an organizational ‘fit”



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WBR is the world's leading executive-level conference company and research organization.

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