Building A Connected Strategy And How It Drives A Service Business

20. Duben 2017


O prezentaci

The ever-growing Internet of Things, which is expected to connect tens of billions of devices by the year 2020, offers a wealth of opportunities for service businesses. Discover the potential of connected buildings and how it can successfully drive your service business. Hear what a strategic approach entails and how you can avoid connectivity for connectivity’s sake alone. Working from the connected building industry as a case study example, learn about the critical strategic decisions that need to be made so that you can successfully expand current offerings to meet audience demand. The presenter will identify key steps and best practices needed to monetize a connected solution. Attendees will walk away with how to identify the space they want to own and they can evolve their brands. Learning Outcomes: Learn how to take a strategic approach to building a connected strategy for your service business Identify the critical strategic decisions that need to be made to expand current offerings to meet audience demand Hear what steps you need to make to monetize a connected solution Learn how you can identify the IoT space you want to own to evolve your brand"



O organizátorovi (Worldwide Business Research)

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