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            "Pneumatic" Experience in the Transpersonal World
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            "Pneumatic" Experience in the Transpersonal World

            Sep 30, 2017



            Juan Ruiz Naupari

            Speaker · 0 followers


            During a transpersonal experience your consciousness is enhanced, and your analytical abilities, intuition, and understanding, are greater than what is in your ordinary life. This allows you to access a space where you can transcend suffering and trauma, and forgive yourself and others. From the perspective of the Pneuma System, there is a Spiritual Principle in every human being called the Essence, Monad, or Consciousness, whose characteristics, qualities, values, and virtues have been lost owi…


            Über International Transpersonal Conference

            The mission of the conference is to present an exclusive series of lectures, panel discussions and experiential workshops delivered by legendary founders of transpersonal psychology such as Stanislav Grof, Ervin Laszlo, Rick Doblin, Alex Grey, Dean Radin and many more key figures of the current transpersonal movement, as well as from other disciplines such as inner health, psychotherapy and clinical research, Psychedelics, shamanism, collective psychics and social transformation, mystical spirituality and more ..

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