Better Mousetraps: A Content-Driven Approach to Conversion Optimization

9. Listopad 2017


O prezentaci

Driving traffic is hard work. And it’s wasted work if your site doesn’t convert your visitors into leads and customers. So why do visitors take action? What makes them stay, read, believe and click? This presentation is a breakdown of the major conversion factors in terms you haven’t heard before. And it begins and ends with content. Andy has helped plan more than 1000 websites over the last 16 years. For the first time, he will show the process for conversion optimization through content. - Why most websites fail today, according to 12 years of research - How and where to use the two kinds of evidence - How to create a conversion map that guides visitors thoughts and action You’ll leave with new insights into the psychology of your visitors and new ideas on which changes to your site will make an immediate impact.



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