Building WebVR experiences with AFrame.IO

11. Listopad 2017


O prezentaci

In the next few years, augmented reality and virtual reality will continue to provide innovations in gaming, education and training. Other applications might include helping you tour your next vacation resort or explore a future architecture design. Thanks to open web standards like WebVR, web developers can leverage their existing skills in JavaScript and HTML to create delightful VR experiences. During this session, we will explore, an open source project supported by Mozilla enabling you to craft VR experiences using JavaScript and a growing ecosystem of web components. We’ll include a "hands on" code lab to help you start start building 3D experiences today with your Android phone and Google Cardboard.



O organizátorovi (DevFest Florida)

DevFest Florida is the most magical developer conference. It is all about Mobile, Web, Cloud, AI, AR/VR, IoT and other modern technologies! The idea behind DevFest Florida is to bring top talent to Florida, support local developers with an inclusive environment for learning new technology, and to help developers, designers create relationships with each other & organizations Find the latest information about speakers, agenda, and other exciting news at

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