Reflections on the Mozilla Developer Roadshow Journey

11. Listopad 2017


O prezentaci

Sandra Persing, Global Program Manager for DevRel Sponsorship & Events, Director at Women Who Code, and Co-Founder of DevRel Summit, spent 10 months on the road collaborating with global partners and local meetups, influential speakers and freshly minted contributors, to bring over 50 Developer Roadshow programs all around the world. Join us as she reflects about the early days designing the program, wins and fails along the way, and some of the best practices in this weird and wonderful industry called developer relations.



O organizátorovi (DevFest Florida)

DevFest Florida is the most magical developer conference. It is all about Mobile, Web, Cloud, AI, AR/VR, IoT and other modern technologies! The idea behind DevFest Florida is to bring top talent to Florida, support local developers with an inclusive environment for learning new technology, and to help developers, designers create relationships with each other & organizations Find the latest information about speakers, agenda, and other exciting news at

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