Build a Faster UI with Constraint Layout

11. Listopad 2017


O prezentaci

ConstraintLayout, which was first introduced as an alpha-level feature at last year's I/O has now matured into a go-to tool for large and complex layouts. While similar to RelativeLayout, using it is much more flexible, easy, and intuitive. The resulting layouts will be flatter and perform better at run time. Even though it's the newest layout, it's compatible for use in SDK versions as far back as Android 2.3 Gingerbread (API 9). In this session, you will learn how to: * enable constraint layouts in your project * use the new Layout Editor to work with constraint layouts * convert existing layouts to constraint layouts * add new constraint layouts * determine and add appropriate constraints * configure constraint properties * avoid some common pitfalls Note: No prior experience with ConstraintLayout is required, but some experience with Android development and familiarity using other Android layouts would be helpful.



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