Flexible Elixir

6. Prosinec 2017


O prezentaci

Writing idiomatic, efficient, and maintainable Elixir code requires approaching problems in a different way than other languages. In this talk, we’ll be guided by examples and learn how to construct everyday tasks, combining the expressiveness of Elixir with the strong foundations of Erlang and the BEAM vm.If you’re curious about Elixir, and want to see what you can build with it, this is the talk for you. Claudio is a software engineer and head of Elixir at Erlang Solutions Ltd, where he works as a consultant and trainer. He's got more than 6 years of commercial experience in complex web applications and apis, with expertise in Elixir, Ruby, Elm and JavaScript and he previously worked at New Bamboo Web Development Ltd. (now part of Thoughtbot Inc.) in London, UK. He’s an active member of the Elixir and Elm community and he spoke at different conferences (ElixirConf EU, ElixirConf US and ElixirLDN) and various user groups, with a focus around code architecture, patterns and tooling.



O organizátorovi (LambdUp)

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