Naming is Hard; or The Value of Values

6. Prosinec 2017


O prezentaci

Clojure offers a principled approach to designing systems by making data front and center. Data is not about juggling values in memory; data is about communication, agreement, tolerance, change management, and more. This talk will focus on how Clojure's flavor of dynamic functional programming helps in designing systems. Christophe is a long-time Clojure enthusiast. He put it into production 9 years ago and has worked exclusively in it for 6 years. The entire time, he has been an independent software engineer/trainer/consultant working from the French countryside. He co-authored O'Reilly's Clojure Programming and numerous libs.



O organizátorovi (LambdUp)

Get ready to LambdUp your knowledge of functional programming and watch the recordings of the very first year of LambdUp, powered by Blueberry.

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