Case Study How Purchase Intent Is Revolutionizing Retail

7. Únor 2018


O prezentaci

Today’s consumers use their smart devices throughout their shopping journey and retailers have responded by integrating mobile throughout the omnichannel experience. However, as retail shoppers near the end of the purchase journey, retail marketers have been limited by traditional mobile targeting technologies which just target a device or assumptive look-alikes who may not even be in market to purchase. They do not consider the actual person connected to the device. In this session, you’ll learn about exciting new advancements in mobile location solutions and how retail brands are able to use mobile purchase intent to target actual consumers who have visited a store or a competitor’s location within the previous 24 - 48 hours. Case learning will be shared discussing ground-breaking results showing increased engagement and conversion rates. Our experts will also share best practices and guidelines in how to implement omnichannel strategies to turn in-market shoppers into new customers.



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