What is IA, Why Does It Matter?

24. Únor 2018


O prezentaci

Dave Cooksey is a experience designer at Elsevier Clinical Solutions, where he works researching and designing the next generation of clinical information applications. His practice focuses on information architecture, taxonomy, and user research. Dave has been an active member of the IA community for more than 10 years. He co-chaired the 2017 IA Summit and has served multiple times as the Chair of PhillyCHI. When not working, you’ll find him traveling or enjoying a craft beer. Follow him on Twitter @saturdave.



O organizátorovi (World IA Day Pittsburgh)

World IA Day is an annual, one-day celebration of Information Architecture held in more than 60 locations around the world, including Pittsburgh https://www.worldiaday.org/events/pittsburgh. We hope to see you again in 2020!

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