Innovation Spotlight

1. Březen 2018


O prezentaci

Stephanie Semaan leads Business Development for, a Facebook and Instagram marketing partner for global brands who look to automate their online advertising. Daniel is the CEO and co-founder of Bamboo, a mobile-first paid social advertising agency in San Francisco. He founded Bamboo after struggling to find a transparent and efficient digital ad agency while working in-house at companies Zaarly and Threadflip. Since its founding in 2014, companies like Dropbox, HotelTonight, Coursera, and Turo have partnered with Bamboo to help scale and manage their acquisition programs. Anu Verma is Head of Marketing at Care/of, a wellness startup that launched in 2016. Care/of has reimagined the experience of shopping for vitamins, giving customers the ability to get personalized recommendations based on their diet and lifestyle and delivering them in convenient, personalized daily packs. Prior to Care/of, Anu was an early marketing hire at, where she joined pre-launch. She has also spent time in management consulting at BCG and in merchandising at Tiffany and Co. Anu holds a degree in Economics from Princeton University and an MBA from Wharton Business School.



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