Collaboration Through a Content Journey Approach

28. Únor 2018


O prezentaci

ConveyUX is a series of events, produced by Blink UX, of interest to user experience professionals. When looking at a web redesign, starting the content conversation across departmental teams can seem tricky. In fact, it can seem impossible. Whether you work independently, or are part of larger project team, this presentation will share some ways to better plan for web and content projects, reduce conflict, and improve internal communication. Like any conversation, understanding your audience, creating a shared vision for content, and using the right approach can not only align departments, but improve engagement for content across your organization. This presentation will share a case study of content journey approach for the non-profit AFABC and the ongoing impact to the organization.



O organizátorovi (ConveyUX)

ConveyUX is a series of events, produced by Blink UX, of interest to user experience professionals.

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