Design + DevOps – What we’ve learned from our developer friends

1. Březen 2018


O prezentaci

ConveyUX is a series of events, produced by Blink UX, of interest to user experience professionals. The goal of DevOps is to change and improve the relationship of development and operations by advocating better communication and collaboration between these two business units—and to move faster (dare I say Agile). As we learned more about the DevOps way of working, our design team began to see and implement similar processes to improve communication and collaboration between different design disciplines, and to break down barriers with our development and offering management teams. In this conversation, using our product as a case study, we will share how these practices have enabled us to overcome short- and long-term obstacles and helped prioritize common efforts in order to deliver meaningful experiences to our customers, and help our team become the well oiled machine it is today.



O organizátorovi (ConveyUX)

ConveyUX is a series of events, produced by Blink UX, of interest to user experience professionals.

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