AI: Old Friend, New Tricks

1. Březen 2018


O prezentaci

ConveyUX is a series of events, produced by Blink UX, of interest to user experience professionals. How new is artificial intelligence to design? For as much as we hear that AI is brand new, it has a much longer relationship to design—going back more than 50 years. In fact, UX, interaction design and interactivity as we know it exists because of collaborations between architects, designers, and technologists that extend back to the 1950s. In this talk, Dr. Molly Wright Steenson looks back to the origins of artificial intelligence and cybernetics, groundbreaking and paradigm-shifting projects to look at where the future of AI, UX and design is heading in the future.



O organizátorovi (ConveyUX)

ConveyUX is a series of events, produced by Blink UX, of interest to user experience professionals.

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