The industrialization of Marketing: building a high-performance content engine

19. Duben 2018


O prezentaci

Eaton grew rapidly by acquisition in EMEA, and used the consolidation that followed to build a highly structured, fast-paced and data-driven marketing function. It complemented a customer-focused content marketing approach with a strong focus on Lean principles that radically improved performance. Following a wave of acquisitions, Eaton accumulated a portfolio of mid-sized industrial businesses in EMEA. It made an early choice to show only one face to customers and consolidated its sales teams, resulting in a matrixed organization where all sales teams, focusing on one type of customer, carried the responsibility to promote multiple product lines. Adapting marketing to this new reality, from content creation to distribution to measurement, required a radical transformation that combined a rapid digitization, work standardization, in-sourcing of most major functions and building a strong culture of experimentation and continuous improvement. The resulting engine enabled field marketing teams to fully support their multiple sales teams with a fast-paced flow of targeted content and campaigns, and then to demonstrate multi-fold improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing by using systematic measurements embedded in all forms of content activation.



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