Patterns for Streaming Telemetry with Akka Streams

21. Červen 2018


O prezentaci

In streaming-data systems, like applications that stream telemetry from industrial assets or IoT, people encounter problems related to flow control, memory management, and poor performance. The Akka Streams API addresses these issues and it naturally models the common patterns found with streaming telemetry, through simple, composable, and high-level constructs. This talk will provide a motivating example for using Akka Streams and demonstrate a number of these common patterns, in support of building reliable and resilient systems for streaming telemetry at scale.



O organizátorovi (Scala Days)

Scala Days brings together developers from all corners of the world to share their experiences and new ideas around creating applications with Scala and related technologies, like Spark, Kafka, and Akka. Scala Days provides a unique opportunity for Scala users to interact with the contributors to the language and related technologies and connect with fellow developers.

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