Security with Scala: Refined Types and Object Capabilities

20. Červen 2018


O prezentaci

A key part of preventing attacks is rejecting invalid input early, and ensuring that users have appropriate access. This talk will discuss how to use Scala's features to provide strong, type-safe security with type refinement and object capability patterns. Using refinement types, we can go from "stringly-typed" validation code to "strongly-typed" code. And with object capabilities, we can provide fine-grained authorization to resources, including modulating access with revocation, per-instance delegation, and ensuring secure transit with sealers/unsealers, with just a few lines of Scala.



O organizátorovi (Scala Days)

Scala Days brings together developers from all corners of the world to share their experiences and new ideas around creating applications with Scala and related technologies, like Spark, Kafka, and Akka. Scala Days provides a unique opportunity for Scala users to interact with the contributors to the language and related technologies and connect with fellow developers.

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