Panel discussion - Role of evidence in social justice activism

8. Červenec 2018


O prezentaci

Researchers across the social sciences actively study the forces that underlie many social justice movements and issues, yet their work is often overlooked by critics. What is the current and potential role of evidence in social justice activism? What historical, systemic, and individual barriers and biases that contribute to the inequities within scientific institutions? How do we collectively create pathways that support inclusion, empowerment, and advancement of members of marginalized communities? This panel will present a survey of some of the evidence on bias and social justice issues within and related to science and explore the role of social scientists in science advocacy efforts.



O organizátorovi (SIGNS2018)

S|GNS (Science | Government, Institutions & Society) Summit was a network-wide meeting for emerging and established leaders across fields to share knowledge, build community, and develop their skills as science advocates, educators, and organizers. S|GNS Summit is a project of the March for Science and was held in Chicago, IL on July 6-8, 2018. Recordings of sessions are freely available here to ensure that content and ideas from this event are accessible to all. Learn more about the S|GN Summit here:

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