Designing a Sustainable Initiative

24. Červenec 2018


O prezentaci

PANEL | Designing a Sustainable Initiative: Practical Advice for Developing High Impact Programs and Partnerships There is no better teacher than experience. This session brings together leaders who have built networks, organizations, or initiatives and have first-hand insight into what works, what doesn't, and what to do when things get hard. How do you make sure an effort isn't redundant? How do you work with other mission-aligned groups to build momentum and community? What advice made the biggest difference to our panelists? This practical session focuses on takeaways that can make an immediate difference to the way you're thinking about your program and goals.



O organizátorovi (SIGNS2018)

S|GNS (Science | Government, Institutions & Society) Summit was a network-wide meeting for emerging and established leaders across fields to share knowledge, build community, and develop their skills as science advocates, educators, and organizers. S|GNS Summit is a project of the March for Science and was held in Chicago, IL on July 6-8, 2018. Recordings of sessions are freely available here to ensure that content and ideas from this event are accessible to all. Learn more about the S|GN Summit here:

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