Redefining the Borders of Living

7. Září 2018


O prezentaci

Ecocapsule is a medium-term housing unit that redefines the concept of living. The self-sustaining, egg-shaped home is powered solely by natural sources and offers great mobility, providing a whole new level of freedom. The Ecocapsule is not only versatile in its ability to be placed practically anywhere, but also in the multitude of functions it can provide – cottage, caravan, houseboat, research station, disaster relief hub, etc.. CEO, founder, and design director Tomáš Žáček together with co-CEO Katarína Čabáková will introduce the project and reveal its potential.



O organizátorovi (Future Port Prague)

By creating Future Port Prague together with our visionary partners, we want to help people and businesses in our region better understand this phenomenon; not just the technology, but the deeper societal changes that will require a rethinking and rewiring of our business models and environments, our education systems, and most importantly our own mindsets.

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