Cannabis Business Ethics and Activism | M. Wise, Cannafest 2017

12. Listopad 2017


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Cannabis Business Ethics and Activism Mike Wise Cannafest Conference 2017 Sledujte přednášku v češtině: ............................................................................................ I would like to discuss the pitfalls that come with corporate cannabis from what I have learned in the USA. Once a company decides to sell out publicly to investors, the quality of cannabis grown seems to deteriorate. Businesses focus on profits instead of putting out clean cannabis. This can be a huge problem for patients who need quality medication. As producers, we need to focus on using clean methods for pest and disease issues in our grow rooms. Do not spray any pesticides that are known to be hazardous. It is also important to remember your roots, where you came from as a company. Many companies with big investors in the US are actually lobbying against homegrow legislation and often help to make stricter regulations for patients, while pushing for more relaxed regulations for their industry. All in the name of higher profits. It is important to always work to advance the rights of cannabis patients, not restrict them. As patients, we can vote with our dollars. Where we choose to spend our money, works as our “vote”. Spend wisely, and only support businesses which support the advancement of patients’ rights. We need to constantly tell our story to anyone who will listen. From the cashier at your local petrol station to your city and state lawmakers. We need to express how important this non-toxic medication is to our everyday life. We can hold protests, rallies, and educational events. I will address all of these things. ............................................................................................................ Don't miss next Cannafest Conference 2018, November 2–4 at PVA Expo Prague - Letňany! More information and tickets at



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