The State of the Kotlin ecosystem

28. Srpen 2018


O prezentaci

Over the last three months I ran a survey of the global Kotlin ecosystem. My goal was to learn how developers use and adopt Kotlin - either in work or side projects, or just for playing around, and what are some of the most popular resources for learning it. The survey was a great success, and gained 2744 responses in total! The results are meant to become a resource for the Kotlin community. Something we can all look at for interesting insights that will also help drive adoption of Kotlin in our teams and organisations. To give you a taster, here’s a few questions I asked in the survey: How big is Android as a proportion of all Kotlin developers? Are people happy naming libraries and tooling with K? What are the favourite features of the language? What kind of DSLs are people building with Kotlin and for what use-cases In my talk will answer all these questions, and more. But be warned, some answers might surprise you.



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