Status Changelog

2. Listopad 2018


O prezentaci

In this talk, I'll go over the research and development efforts in Status over the last year, as well as how we structure our group of more than 100 highly talented and productive engineers, developers, testers, designers, writers, artists, UX researchers and #buidlers of all stripes. It's been an exciting ride to our mainnet launch, but there's still a long way to go for the mass adoption of Ethereum: embedded devices everywhere; universal access through simple, intuitive, and beautiful interfaces controlled by users; education; incubation and community building are all a big part of what we are doing. Status Core App - an update on our latest release, the decisions and tradeoffs we've had to make so far, the lessons we've learnt by shipping a product onto the mainnet and how we plan to put the decentralised web in everyone's pockets with as few compromises as possible. Developers & Extensions - how Status Extensions is changing the world. I'll dive into the tools we actually require to enable people to #buidl truly decentralised applications that do not need to compromise on critical aspects of their infrastructure in order to attract users with smooth and genuinely useful experiences. I'll also do a quick overview of #CryptoLife and how this showcases why Extensions and Embark are bringing Ethereum to life in more ways than one. Nimbus - embedding the world computer in the real world. A new client we've been researching and implementing in an expressive, python-like language well suited to running on light clients. Built for Ethereum 2.0 and sharding, already experimenting with BLS signature aggregation, and all the other latest developments which will get Ethereum running in turn styles and PoS terminals near you. What does the world look like then? Hardwallet - How do we ship the decentralised web into your pocket, but make sure you can transact securely? Store your keys on a card, tap the card against your phone when logging in or signing transactions and never worry about passwords again! Ecosystem - Incubate + Studio + Embark = #buidling our ecosystem to bring real utility through Status for anyone and everyone working on making Ethereum. Organisation - A look over our new principles, our Wall of Shame, and what it's been likely scaling from a dozen people to over one hundred in a year. The challenges and joys of working in a fully distributed and remote organisation, how we maintain horizontal structures, our plans to move toward a DAO and what it's like to try and replicate the ethos of a distributed network amongst people.



O organizátorovi (Ethereum)

Next generation programming platform for decentralized applications.

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