Spelling Correction for Web Search

24. Únor 2019


O prezentaci

Web search engine almost never searches (only) for the words that users type in. Instead, during query processing phase, the engine tries to predict additional terms to search for. This is especially important for misspelled queries. The talk will provide details about how machine learning can be used to "read" user's mind for a correct version of the query. It is not a neuroimaging presentation but rather a brief history and current research of the spelling error correction system in the Seznam.cz's search engine".



O organizátorovi (Machine Learning Prague)

Machines can learn. Incredibly fast. Faster than you. They are getting smarter and smarter every day. They are already changing your world, your business and your life. Artificial intelligence revolution is here. Come and learn how to turn this threat into your biggest opportunity. This is not another academic conference. Our goal is to foster discussion between machine learning practitioners and all people who are interested in applications of modern trends in artificial intelligence. You can look forward to inspiring people, algorithms, data, applications, workshops and a lot of fun during three days as well as at two great parties.

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