5 Secrets To Attract And Retain Top Talent And Create A High Performing Workplace Culture

24. Duben 2019


O prezentaci

You, the Leader, and the workplace culture that you create make the difference in whether your high performers stay or go. Aligned Leaders understand the high cost of disengaged employees and unwanted turnover. Losing your best people is hard on everyone. How do you attract top talent and then keep them happy at work, considering the diversity of today’s workforce? Multiple generations and genders, sexual orientation, cultural patterns, education and experience … we bring all of it to work. By connecting these 5 secrets, you’ll find satisfaction in your own work, and in turn are able to create the kind of workplaces where people want to work for you. You’ll Learn: What today’s employees are looking for in employers before they accept the job. What kind of leadership and culture keeps people and what drives them away. What you, the leader, can do to keep people engaged and motivated at work.



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