RxJava & Coroutines: A Practical Analysis

31. Květen 2019


O prezentaci

Kotlin has taken the Android world by storm, and is quickly becoming the most popular language, with coroutines approaching stability, does it make sense to replace your RxJava implementations for Coroutines? Despite the hype, it may not make sense to jump on the bandwagon just yet, with RxJava having already proven its stability and usefulness, and in many cases the comparison between the two frameworks showing that they simply fit different purposes. In this talk, you can learn how you can utilise the strengths of each framework, how to correctly choose the best solution for the requirements of your project, whether it may be beneficial to migrate or run them concurrently, and how you can start doing so for your project.



O organizátorovi (mDevCamp)

mDevCamp is the largest conference for mobile enthusiasts in Central Europe. The 7th edition featured world-class speakers, in-depth talks, workshops and great hands-on zones. With nearly 800 attendees it became truly top notch conference.

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