Android Developer Options Deep Dive

31. Květen 2019


O prezentaci

Testing an app on your perfect Pixel 3, under perfect network conditions works great, but you're getting reports of strange behavior from the wild and weird crashes that you can't reproduce. This talk will walk through some of the more complex options on the Developer Options screen in the Android OS and discuss how a developer can use them to debug problems in their application. Topics covered include: showing surface updates to help you find layout loops in your app, showing layout bounds to get your views pixel perfect, and aggressively killing processes and activities to ensure that your app performs well under stress. We'll cover these options and more as we dive deep into debugging apps.



O organizátorovi (mDevCamp)

mDevCamp is the largest conference for mobile enthusiasts in Central Europe. The 7th edition featured world-class speakers, in-depth talks, workshops and great hands-on zones. With nearly 800 attendees it became truly top notch conference.

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