Supercharge How You PM Using Data

19. Červen 2019


O prezentaci

Practicalities of using data as a product manager, and how the "qualitative vs quantitative" framing that's so often talked about doesn't provide a useful way to think about what you need as a PM. The idea is that teams should be using data to really help them try to work out two types of problems: a) what problems are meaningful to solve for users, and b) how best to solve those problems, and there are many pitfalls to navigate when you're doing each of those things. With the framing that we've grown our audience at Songkick 5x over the past 3 years, I think I have some good learnings to share of stuff I've seen first hand, and helped product teams through, which can wrap up into a bit of a framework to help PMs and teams ask the right questions as they're using data.



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